Sunday, July 14, 2013

Knock it off with the goddamn flip-flops.

My sister recently tagged me in an article about one mans disgust of flip-flops (she knows my repulsion to these vile things)  and while well written, it seemed a bit kind hearted. I propose that I should legally be deputized to carry a fucking sledgehammer and be able to smash any guys feet wearing them, or sandals. 

When did we as men, real men, decide that it was ok to wear these atrocities? In my mind sandals and flip-flops have always belonged to women. Kinda' like how jock straps belong to men. When did scraggly yellow toenailed old men all of a sudden decide, hey world, I'm going to subject you to my ugly feet, look at these fuckers! What man goes shopping and sees a pair a sandals and goes, man, those are kick ass, I sure bet they'll keep my feet cool on those long summer days! Or do they get all giggly like girls and just have to have those pretty sandals? What the fuck is wrong with you guys? No chick wants to see a man in sandals. Thats the bottem fucking line. Mens feet are vile. I don't care how well kept they are, they are disgusting. 

When I see some guy in sweat stained smelly sandals I just want to stomp on his feet or smash them into a bloody mist with a sledgehammer. I'm not kidding. 
Ok, women are a different story, to a degree. If you're a well maintained chick, with nice nail polish and all that, feel free to sandal up, but take your flip-flops outside and burn them without further ado. Flip-flops on a chick is almost as bad as hearing them fart in my book. Seeing the dirty feet, sweatily slipping around on whatever foam rubber they're made of, hearing that wet smack at every step and doing the flip-flop shuffle walk is a GIANT turn off. Its not cute and its just a form of laziness not putting on a pair of goddamn shoes. Women go to great pains everyday to look their best with make up, hairstyling and all that and then they slide on a smelly ass pair of flip-flops. Wtf? 
So men, be very careful in choosing your footwear this summer, that guy you see with the sledgehammer resting on his shoulder just might be me, waiting for the right moment to explode your ugly thick nailed tootsies. 


Friday, July 5, 2013

Rome is burning, but heres some cool Lone Ranger shit you might not know.

And we're talking about the original Lone Ranger, not the Johnny Depp turd here..

1) Originally, the Lone Ranger and Tonto rode on the same horse, Silver, but after seeing a publicity shot of them on it together, WXYZ big cheeses thought it looked kinda gay and gave Tonto his own horse "Scout" No shit.

2) The Lone Ranger used silver bullets because they represented purity, justice and was a reminder of the heavy cost a loaded gun could cause. His horse "Silver" also had solid silver horseshoes! 

3) So where did LR get all the scratch to pay for all this silver shit? Him and his bro owned a silver mine that they were gonna retire off someday, a retired Texas Ranger named Dan Blaine knew his secret identity and agreed to work the mine and make all the bitchin' silver shit for him.

4) (Now this is where shit gets cool) The Green Hornet was the Lone Rangers nephew's grandson! Britt Reid, the Green Hornet, was a publishing mogul, and his publishing company was funded by The Lone Ranger and his bro's silver mine! Hence the green Lone Ranger style mask! Badass!
There isn't however any connection between Tonto and Green Hornets sidekick Kato, that would've been bitchin' 

5) Tonto called LR "Kemosabe" (there are like 100 different ways they spell it, I'm just going with this one) It means "Faithful Friend" or "Trusty Scout" or some shit.

6) Clayton Moore who played the TV Lone Ranger did NOT go batshit later in life and think he really was the Lone Ranger, he truely believed in the character and knew that like, millions of brats looked up to him and Jay Silverheels (Tonto) as heros and role models, so he and Jay lived their lives pretty goddamn wholesome, not getting involved in horseshit that would taint the names, on or off set. They never smoked, drank or acted shitty while in costume because they didn't want some kid to see them all wasted or acting like a dick. Thats some pretty fuckin huge dedication to what they were a part of. 

7) In the story of The Lone Ranger, his bro, Dan Reid and some other Texas Rangers get croaked by some gangster fuckers and The Lone Ranger vows to bring them to justice and shit, splitting from the Texas Rangers and making a mask out of his dead bro's vest. In the TV show, the real mask in the black and white episodes was made outta purple felt! But when they switched to color, it was black. Clayton Moore said that they were made out of plaster with felt stretched over them.

8) We never know The Lone Ranger's first name, he is only referenced as "Reid" Later, in like the 70's or something, a crapper LR movie was made and it was revealed as "John" and later, in comicbook rehashings, they start using John because of that goddamn movie. Purists call bullshit on it. The movie was a horrid flop. The Lone Ranger is just goddamn "Reid" in my opinion.

9) Tonto was made a Potowatomie indian by WXYZ (Michigan) television, an actual Indian tribe in and around Michigan. Tonto saved The Lone Rangers ass when he found him shot up and bleeding all over the place while he was hunting grub and shit. How a Michigan indian found an ex-Tex Ranger out west is a mystery to me. 

10)Clayton Moore kicked the bucket in 1999, and Jay Silverheels in 1980.

I know everyones all in love with Johnny Depp and his quirky characters and to be honest, I haven't seen the new movie yet. But as a little shit I got off on The Lone Ranger and even had the goddamn doll for Christsakes. I hope the new movie isn't a giant stupid turd, and I wish the kids of today would be forced at knifepoint or something to watch the old episodes. They were great. And they might actually get something good out of them. But they won't. Pass the fuckin X-Box controller and Cheetos.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Business Startup

I am finding out that in order to start a business one must first not need a business. 
You must have 10's of thousands of dollars to open a storefront, impecable credit and literally no need to have one. If you cannot meet these criterias you are doomed to work as a modern day slave for companies whos sole interest is to fuck you with low wages, zero benifits and top of the food chain greed. 
You are conditioned to be kept in constant debt, therefore making you their humble servant, a dog for them to beat down into servitude. 
I believe in my business plan, I believe in my capabilities, I believe in it's potential. But thats just not enough.
The days of starting your own business and being independant are over for the great majority of Americans. The biggest fear of corporate America is you breaking the mold and becoming your own company..your own person. They want you right where you are. Helpless and debt dependant upon them. How dare you dream or have hope! How dare you want a better life than what we are willing to allot you! 
This is modern America. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Upcoming in The Motor City

Theres quite a few killer art events happening in Detroit in the coming weeks and the surrounding burbs..first off is "Black, White and Red" at Funhouse Gallery in the Russell building on Clay street in Detroit, an art show pushing artists creativity by limiting them to just black red and white, the opening reception is June 29th and runs until July 27th. Funhouse Gallery always comes through with the best of the best in Detroit so don't miss out on this one!

Next up is "Small Wonders" a post wedding art show celebrating the wedding of Modern Detroit icons DVS and Jessica! The theme of the show is works of art under 7 inches in size, knocking most artists way out of their comfort zones..and this is a family friendly event (another first for Damned Show DVS!) It's a one day show that happens on July 13th at Tangent Gallery in Detroit

Corpus Illuminata happens August 9th and 10th at Tangent Gallery on Milwaukee street in Detroit, a horrifiing look at all things medical in relation to the human body. Vintage evil ass medical equipment will be showcased along with art in this show, not for the squeemish! 

How about a bit of the old Ultraviolence? Coming September 5th,6th and 7th is "Ultraviolence- A Visual Vocabulary Of Stanley Kubrick"  a knock down art show featuring anything and everything Stanley Kubrick. Curated by newcomers Debbi Notemily and Sinister, with guidence from show veterens Diane Irby and Adam Layne, this show should pack a wallop..Tangent Gallery on Milwaukee street in Detroit.

And of course, looming on the horizon, The Damned Show coming in October..more details in future blogs!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Heres your opportunity to break into the Detroit art market, which is quickly becoming the market to be in. 
"Ultraviolence-A Visual Vocabulary Of Stanly Kubrick" takes place September 5th, 6th and 7th, 2013 at Tangent Gallery in Detroit. 
All forms of art related to the film catalog of Stanley Kubrick will be considered and can be submitted to;
Deadline for entry is July 31st, 2013. 
Complete guidelines can be found on our Facebook event page Ultraviolence- A Visual Vocabulary Of Stanley Kubrick.
Remember, only artwork that touches on the films of Stanley Kubrick will be considered! 
This is shaping up to be a huge event, so quit screwing around and get crackin'!


Friday, June 7, 2013

Ready To Jump Off A Building

You know, I'm really fucking sick of the town I'm living in, and the surrounding cities for that matter. 
Oxford Michigan. The gravel capital of the world. The belly of Hell for an artist. 
I grew up here and lived a significant amount of my life here. It is the same sleepy little town it was 40 years ago. The powers that be want it that way. Just look at the "slogan" they paid some scary out of state firm $6,000.00 to come up with; "Oxford, small done right." Powerhouse branding, ahem.
Meanwhile, the town is in financial hardship and flailing. Businesses here are milk toast safe and wholesome. What they don't understand is safe and wholesome equals boring, boring equals zero money. Duh.
I have tried bringing this township into the modern era by working with a local business and creating a graffiti style mural on the back of their store, which got alot of positive reaction from the public. Yet, the gallery I did the mural for wouldn't show my art in his gallery. It was too edgy for tired ass Oxford. It would rock too many boats. 6 months later, said gallery is out of business. (And the current owner has painted over it)

Today I tried talking to the chamber of commerce about setting up my art tent perhaps every other weekend along with other artists to sell our stuff and bring potential foot traffic to the tired ass downtown. Their answer was typical, they told me I could apply to set up a tent at their lame ass Thursday night music in the park event. Get this, if I pay a $100.00 booth fee. FUCK YOU.  I then asked how much the bands are paying for the opportunity to play there and she was appauled. She told me they were paid to perform, and I asked "to perform what, their art?" Well, that was a conversation ender. I am an artist and musician and know that creativity fuels both. 
So, basically, the town wants to fuck me out of a hundred dollars. And somehow that will put Oxford on the map and bring in fresh money to the cash strapped town. Forward thinking man. 


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Planning Your Artistic Future

The art scene in Detroit is growing. More artists are moving into the metro area and there is a pretty healthy vibe going on all around. The caliber of art is amazing, artists are pushing boundries in all disciplines. Newer influences are mixing with old and the majority of galleries are making ballsy moves and showing virtual unknown first time artists. Of course there are still a few galleries sticking to the L.A./Juxtapoz Magazine mold of only showing a small stable of proven seller artists, a crop of about 20-30 artists within the state and nationwide that create the same "low brow" art that collectors hoard digital prints of. 
But for the most part, galleries in and around the Motor City are giving the little guys a chance, and looking at art with open minds. 
Which brings us to the fact that there is massive competition that pushes us artists to either keep reinventing ourselves, or perfecting our styles with deadly ambition. 
My approach as an artist has been all over the map. It's not a strategy of making "something for everyone" to appeal  to a broader audience, it's just the simple fact that my mind is exploding with different ideas in a scary amount of different genres. I do graffiti art, oil painting, screen printing, acrylics, watercolors, sculptural, abstract, realism, impressionist and on and on, which kind of screws me in the long run because it's like, what the fuck can I really label myself as an artist? 
I want to learn glass blowing, photography, pottery etc., but I have to stop at some point and perfect what I know. Selling art pays bills, not constantly learning art. 

I'm getting older (cringe), and I have to start focusing on what I know. I want to focus on spray paint art, oil painting, drumming and restoring and customizing vintage BMX bicycles. (What?? Vintage BMX bikes? How is that art?) 
Yep, bicycles. I raced BMX in my "wonder years" growing up, I know everything about them, so why not take my artistic mind and create rolling works of art? Fuck it. Do what you know asshole. (This is my self mantra) 
So along with my Winking Zombie banner I paint under, there is my new venture; Detroit BMX Customs. Fuck you if you don't like it. 
This is my future. I now have a map, a plan, ambition and a place to build it all. 
What are you going to do?


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Studio Recording Session, Sunday June 2, 2013

It was good setting up my old Ludwig warhorse drumset in the studio over the weekend. I layed down more drum beats for the soundtrack of a documentary being shot about me and my art, plus I recorded digital files to use in mixing for other bands to use. There was also a video recording of this session to later use in the documentary. 

I was pleased with the sound quality finally achieved, by that I mean it took a long time to adjust the microphone distance close enough to my drumset to acuratly record, but far enough away so that my set (and playing) didn't crash the digital recording. I'm a heavy hitter, so when I layed into the cymbals it would blow into white noise for a few seconds. I guess thats why I've always prefered analog over digital recording is too steril. It makes music too crisp and mechanical sounding. But, these tracks will be great for mixing into hip-hop or rock. 

I didn't go into the session with any real practice or clear ideas of rhythms I wanted to get across, I just freestyled whatever came to mind. The recording engineer asked for fast, slow and heavy beats, and that was the about the only direction I took. 

The drumset I used is not pretty, I like to compare it to the beat up guitar Stevie Ray Vaughn used. It has a very unique sound quality to it. 

I should have sound files within the next week or so..if you know anyone in the music business thats looking for some huge ass beats, let me know here or contact me at


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Registered SINISTER Mural Buffed

A registered work of art with Oakland county and the state of Michigan was buffed Sunday
by a new business owner in Oxford Michigan. 

It was created for the Detroit Institute of Arts "Inside/Out" program, where copies of great masterpieces from the DIA are hung outdoors in cities throughout Michigan. This mural, designed and executed in spray paints by Sinister, featured two circus dogs in the foreground that appeared to balance the DIA piece on the tips of their noses, and an 8ft high horse trick rider. Sinister created the piece in loud bright colors to contrast with the earthy tones of the DIA piece.

Sinister tried working with other businesses to have them hire artists locally to paint murals on their walls also, but everyone wanted "free" art, or were too uptight to try something actually relevent that would have drawn people to the struggling lame ass town of Oxford. 

During the painting of this mural, Sinister got nothing but positive reactions to it, from the young and old. People would watch him paint with his spray cans and engage him in conversation. Taking pictures of the mural and the artist. 

God forbid lame ass Oxford would actually do something to attract young people to this vanilla ass town. None of the morons can figure out why all the businesses fail here. The place is BORING. They're so caught up in trying to project this "wholesome" image that they don't see how all the cities that ARE thriving, are the EXACT OPPOSITE of Oxford. When was the last time you said "Hey, I've gotta pocket full of money, lets go somewhere boring as fuck!"

Oh well, kudos to the new business owner that'll last 6 months or so there, a lame ass clothing store..just what bangin' Oxford needs. You got your finger on the PULSE of hipness now with your mismatched buff color blank wall.

Into the recording studio

As an artist I try to keep my hands into all areas of creativity, drumming is just another extension of making art to me.

Today I'm going into a recording studio with my old Ludwig warhorse drum kit. I put it together using different vintage Ludwig drums..for a reason. I use a 26 inch bass drum, wide open, no muffling, two sixteen inch mounted toms, with different depths, and a 16 inch floor tom. Three 16's. Today I will be using a deep Slingerland circa 1980's marching snare. 
This kit has a powerful bottem end to it that you just cannot get with standard drumsets. 

I will be recording more beats for the soundtrack of a documentary being shot about me and my art, plus isolated beats to sell to other bands looking for hard hitting backbeats, from rock to hip hop. 

As an artist you have to keep your eyes and mind open to different venues for your creativity if you want to survive. Don't pigeon hole yourself into one style of art, I work on canvas with spray paints, oils, acrylics and do watercolors, sculptural and screen printing as well. Drumming was my first love, and now I am going to channel that into making money as well. 


Saturday, June 1, 2013

ULTRA-VIOLENCE A Visual Vocabulary Of Stanley Kubrick--CALL FOR ART!!

I am co-curating with Debbi Notemilie, the Ultra-Violence show coming to Tangent Gallery on September 5th, 6th and 7th 2013. We are looking for artwork in all mediums..anything and everything about the films of Stanley Kubrick will be considered. You can FB search Ultra-Violence a visual vocabulary of Stanley Kubrick for our page and details. Submissions deadline is July 31st , and images of your submission can be sent to;

Get crackin' because this is going to be a monster!


Take Action! Let's use these abandoned buildings and vacant lots!

I get pissed while driving through busy foot traffic areas in Detroit seeing all the empty real estate just sitting there, vacant. Or the large empty lots where a building once stood. You see it everywhere, Lake Orion, Pontiac, Royal Oak, Ferndale and especially Detroit. Why aren't cities using these spaces to attract out of town money? Yes, I get it, alot of the properties are privatley owned, and they want to sell or rent..but what about all the foreclosed spaces and city owned lots? 

As an artist, I see these as great opportunities. Why shouldn't I or the hundreds of artists around metro Detroit be allowed to come in and set up our artwork to sell? 

Legalities, permits, blah blah blah..I get it, people sue, there must be bathrooms, etc. etc. Plus most cities want to charge artists some ridiculous fee to set up a booth (ie; every towns "First Fridays" events) instead of looking at the BIG picture, drawing out of town money into their cities restaurants, bars, local galleries and stores, they only see the quick buck they can make off the artists with fees. They also don't realize the power of social media, every artist has hundreds, and some thousands of followers on FaceBook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram etc..Each artist promoting themselves on these outlets can bring HUGE amounts of bodies into cities. With ZERO cost to the cities. 

There are some orginizations trying to do this already, "Revolve Detroit" is one of them. Working with building owners to set up "Pop Up" shops in locations around Detroit. But the process of waiting and being lucky enough to get chosen just isn't good enough. ALL artists, no matter what medium, should be allowed to get in on these opportunities. I'm not bagging on what Revolve is doing, but they seem a bit more focused on helping coffee shops and eateries than art, safer bets. 

Well, I'm here telling you all this because I'm getting the ball rolling. I'm going to sit down with whoever I need to and hammer this shit out. I plan on implementing this idea into whatever town will listen and be setting up within the next two weeks. I am sick and tired of fucking around WAITING for people to call me back or WAITING to hear from so and so if I made the cut to get in on THEIR little projects. I'm starting my OWN fucking projects. Lifes too goddamn short to wait.


Friday, May 31, 2013

INK. Art show, May 10 & 11 2013

INK took place at Tangent Gallery and Hastings Ballroom in Detroit May 10th and 11th. An art show themed on anything and everything tattoo related. 
Diane Irby and Adam Owen Layne pulled off a monster of a show. With artworks from almost a hundred different artists from around the world (see artist list below) along with heavy hitting talent from Detroit. 

I was not in attendance for the opener on Friday, but arrived Saturday and was amazed at how they transformed Tangent Gallery. The art was hung very viewer friendly, alot of shows hang art low or too high to actually fully appreciate   what the artist was shooting for, looking up or down at a work of art detracts from the artists vision. INK scored huge on art placement and access in my books. 
The overall setting was perfect, there wasn't a stuffy, depressing atmosphere like alot of shows give off, it was professionally executed and fun. The music wasn't blowing your ears out or making you want to jump off a building. 

The art was high caliber, interesting all the way around, Diane and Adam picked well. Prices were VERY reasonable, of course you had a few artists full of themselves as reflected in their prices, but that shits everywhere. I was impressed by the talent, killer art far outweighed the clinkers. 

Now, the entertainment for Saturday..all eyes were held hostage by the meat hook suspension act. It was horrifiing, but you couldn't stop watching..large surgical hooks were inserted all over this chicks body and she was gently raised off the floor hanging by her flesh and spun around. Jesus. I'm a big tough bastard but I almost ran out of there screaming like a little girl. No shit. 

Admission was reasonable, and a discount was given for bringing in canned food donations for Burners Without Boarders, a fav local food bank doing great work for those off the beaten track.

Overall this show rated high for me, but full disclosure, my art was in it and I am friends with Adam and Diane. But, if it was a sucklord of a show I would say it. 

Keep an eye peeled for future collaborations between these too, they are blazing a serious path in the Motor City. 


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Art Show At Visalus In Troy Michigan

The May 4th grand opening of the new world headquarters of Visalus, a health foods company, was an absolute blowout. There were about 60 works of art featured from artists around the metro Detroit area, noteable pieces from Diane Irby, Sinister, Melo and Tim Burke seemed to be the only artists that stuck to the theme of "Urban Inspirations" prices ranged from realistic 95.00 to 300.00 dollars from well established artists, to absurd 700.00 to 6,000.00 dollars from unknown artists. Overall there was a good diversity of art represented. The atmosphere was the main attraction of the night..sparing no expenses, Visalus gave sleepy Troy Michigan a taste of the L.A. Club scene. Dramatic colored lighting, spinning lights hypno-techno being spun by live DJ's and free booze for everyone! I counted 4 ice sculptures melting around the place and three giant buffet rooms. 
I have to point out though, being a fitness company, the food was horrid. Bleh tasting healthy stuff that left your mouth screaming for beer to wash it all away! 
There was a wide range of people in attendence, oldsters to hipsters to women that looked like serious escort service material. Overall I would give it a 8 out of 10 as a happening art event. 
Now the messy part, myself being one of the artists who sold work there, I have to give Visalus a HUGE thumbs down on getting the artists their money from sales.  We were promised payment within 7-10 days, and it ended up a nightmare for almost a month. Miscommunication and just a general fuck you attitude. It got to the point of having to go down there personally and demanding the check. People don't get that alot of artists do art for A LIVING..not just a funzy hobby. 
Overall, I actually had a fun time at their event.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Art in and around the Motor City

This blogsite will be a graffiti artists perspective on the art community in and around Detroit. It will be your inside guide to some of the great art shows and artists in Michigan, plus an occasional rant from a graffiti artist who has been spraying graff since 1984. Theres alot of good and bad going on in Detroit and I will give you my honest opinions of what I see.
