I was pleased with the sound quality finally achieved, by that I mean it took a long time to adjust the microphone distance close enough to my drumset to acuratly record, but far enough away so that my set (and playing) didn't crash the digital recording. I'm a heavy hitter, so when I layed into the cymbals it would blow into white noise for a few seconds. I guess thats why I've always prefered analog over digital..plus digital recording is too steril. It makes music too crisp and mechanical sounding. But, these tracks will be great for mixing into hip-hop or rock.
I didn't go into the session with any real practice or clear ideas of rhythms I wanted to get across, I just freestyled whatever came to mind. The recording engineer asked for fast, slow and heavy beats, and that was the about the only direction I took.
The drumset I used is not pretty, I like to compare it to the beat up guitar Stevie Ray Vaughn used. It has a very unique sound quality to it.
I should have sound files within the next week or so..if you know anyone in the music business thats looking for some huge ass beats, let me know here or contact me at winkingzombie@gmail.com
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