Sunday, June 2, 2013

Into the recording studio

As an artist I try to keep my hands into all areas of creativity, drumming is just another extension of making art to me.

Today I'm going into a recording studio with my old Ludwig warhorse drum kit. I put it together using different vintage Ludwig drums..for a reason. I use a 26 inch bass drum, wide open, no muffling, two sixteen inch mounted toms, with different depths, and a 16 inch floor tom. Three 16's. Today I will be using a deep Slingerland circa 1980's marching snare. 
This kit has a powerful bottem end to it that you just cannot get with standard drumsets. 

I will be recording more beats for the soundtrack of a documentary being shot about me and my art, plus isolated beats to sell to other bands looking for hard hitting backbeats, from rock to hip hop. 

As an artist you have to keep your eyes and mind open to different venues for your creativity if you want to survive. Don't pigeon hole yourself into one style of art, I work on canvas with spray paints, oils, acrylics and do watercolors, sculptural and screen printing as well. Drumming was my first love, and now I am going to channel that into making money as well. 


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