Friday, May 31, 2013

INK. Art show, May 10 & 11 2013

INK took place at Tangent Gallery and Hastings Ballroom in Detroit May 10th and 11th. An art show themed on anything and everything tattoo related. 
Diane Irby and Adam Owen Layne pulled off a monster of a show. With artworks from almost a hundred different artists from around the world (see artist list below) along with heavy hitting talent from Detroit. 

I was not in attendance for the opener on Friday, but arrived Saturday and was amazed at how they transformed Tangent Gallery. The art was hung very viewer friendly, alot of shows hang art low or too high to actually fully appreciate   what the artist was shooting for, looking up or down at a work of art detracts from the artists vision. INK scored huge on art placement and access in my books. 
The overall setting was perfect, there wasn't a stuffy, depressing atmosphere like alot of shows give off, it was professionally executed and fun. The music wasn't blowing your ears out or making you want to jump off a building. 

The art was high caliber, interesting all the way around, Diane and Adam picked well. Prices were VERY reasonable, of course you had a few artists full of themselves as reflected in their prices, but that shits everywhere. I was impressed by the talent, killer art far outweighed the clinkers. 

Now, the entertainment for Saturday..all eyes were held hostage by the meat hook suspension act. It was horrifiing, but you couldn't stop watching..large surgical hooks were inserted all over this chicks body and she was gently raised off the floor hanging by her flesh and spun around. Jesus. I'm a big tough bastard but I almost ran out of there screaming like a little girl. No shit. 

Admission was reasonable, and a discount was given for bringing in canned food donations for Burners Without Boarders, a fav local food bank doing great work for those off the beaten track.

Overall this show rated high for me, but full disclosure, my art was in it and I am friends with Adam and Diane. But, if it was a sucklord of a show I would say it. 

Keep an eye peeled for future collaborations between these too, they are blazing a serious path in the Motor City. 


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Art Show At Visalus In Troy Michigan

The May 4th grand opening of the new world headquarters of Visalus, a health foods company, was an absolute blowout. There were about 60 works of art featured from artists around the metro Detroit area, noteable pieces from Diane Irby, Sinister, Melo and Tim Burke seemed to be the only artists that stuck to the theme of "Urban Inspirations" prices ranged from realistic 95.00 to 300.00 dollars from well established artists, to absurd 700.00 to 6,000.00 dollars from unknown artists. Overall there was a good diversity of art represented. The atmosphere was the main attraction of the night..sparing no expenses, Visalus gave sleepy Troy Michigan a taste of the L.A. Club scene. Dramatic colored lighting, spinning lights hypno-techno being spun by live DJ's and free booze for everyone! I counted 4 ice sculptures melting around the place and three giant buffet rooms. 
I have to point out though, being a fitness company, the food was horrid. Bleh tasting healthy stuff that left your mouth screaming for beer to wash it all away! 
There was a wide range of people in attendence, oldsters to hipsters to women that looked like serious escort service material. Overall I would give it a 8 out of 10 as a happening art event. 
Now the messy part, myself being one of the artists who sold work there, I have to give Visalus a HUGE thumbs down on getting the artists their money from sales.  We were promised payment within 7-10 days, and it ended up a nightmare for almost a month. Miscommunication and just a general fuck you attitude. It got to the point of having to go down there personally and demanding the check. People don't get that alot of artists do art for A LIVING..not just a funzy hobby. 
Overall, I actually had a fun time at their event.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Art in and around the Motor City

This blogsite will be a graffiti artists perspective on the art community in and around Detroit. It will be your inside guide to some of the great art shows and artists in Michigan, plus an occasional rant from a graffiti artist who has been spraying graff since 1984. Theres alot of good and bad going on in Detroit and I will give you my honest opinions of what I see.
